A More Complete Model of
Relations and Their Implementation

Part III: Roles

Conrad Bock
James J. Odell

Reprinted from
Journal Of Object-Oriented Programming Vol 11, No 2, May 1998
Copyright © 1998 SIG Publications, Inc, New York, NY


All modeling languages address relations and their implementation--but to varying degrees of completeness. This is the third of four articles on more complete models of relations and their implementation. In this one, we will clarify the meaning of the highly overloaded term "role" by extending commonly used relational concepts. We will also show how to translate the analysis model into high-level designs based on the concept of mappings, which are functions without side effects. Employing intuitive examples and a precise nonmathematical technique, we will provide a model of roles that is clear and easy to use.

Roles As Types

A loose definition everyone can agree on is that relations connect objects. For example, marriage can be modeled as a relation between two people. Or, gift giving can be modeled as a relation between three objects: the giver, the recipient, and the gift. A particular instance of a relation, such as a single marriage between two particular people, is called a tuple (or a link in UML terminology). Tuples can change over time. For example, people may divorce and remarry even if the marriage relation itself does not change. There are at least two kinds of information that help manage the creation and destruction of tuples, the second of which is missing from most models of relations:

Figure 1. The MARRIAGE relation with allowed types and role types.

Figure 1 shows the MARRIAGE relation with its allowed and current types in UML notation. The association is specialized between role types to increase the minimum cardinalities to one (multiplicities in UML), because an object can not play a role in the relation if it is not related. Figure 2 uses dots to depict instances of the allowed and current types with lines connecting them to indicate tuples. Here, not all allowed objects are related, but all those that are related are classified under a role type.

Figure 2. An example of MARRIAGE relation instances, allowed types, and role types.

Another useful type for managing the creation and destruction of tuples over time covers those objects that could be related--but currently are not. For example, in marriage these are BACHELOR and BACHELORETTE. This noncurrent type is the difference between the allowed type and the current type. For brevity's sake, we'll omit noncurrent types from the rest of this article, but they have similar services and benefits as current types.


One benefit of a current, or role, type is that it can introduce operations, attributes, and associations appropriate for that role, without cluttering the allowed type with the features of all roles. For example, the relation between a company and the people working for it has a role type EMPLOYEE specialized from the allowed type PERSON. The role type may define an attribute for salary and an association for line authority. When a particular person object becomes an employee, its type is changed from PERSON to the subtype EMPLOYEE -- inheriting all aspects of its new role. This technique simplifies the model of people by separating out their roles, so that modelers examining the type PERSON are not overwhelmed by the many features introduced by all roles--the majority of which may be defined only in applications with which they are not concerned.

Figure 3. Reclassifying objects as they are related and unrelated.

The EMPLOYMENT example (Figure 3) shows how persons and companies are reclassified as their participation in employment changes. We assume in this example that some companies only employ other companies-- not people, so those companies do not need such aspects of employers as a human-resources department. When companies hire people, they are reclassified as employers. When they no longer employ people they are reclassified as general companies. Similar reclassifications occur as people are employed and unemployed.

Implementation of this technique requires that instances can be reclassified at runtime and can have multiple classifications for the various roles they take on simultaneously. Although many languages do not support this functionality, it can be implemented by object slicing--a particularly easy technique using interface concepts available in modern object-oriented languages [2, 3]. Whatever the approach, any additional effort to implement dynamic and multiple classification is quickly paid back by the resulting simplification of models and scalability. If there is no special information to record on them, an application can then omit role types--adding them later as necessary.

Role types are also beneficial in their application to aggregation. For example, the aggregation relation between a car and its engine creates a role type for engines called CAR ENGINE. This means that engines used in cars are distinguished from engines used in such other aggregates as boats, which fall under the role type BOAT ENGINE. The advantage of this is that car engines can be constrained to power wheels, while boat engines are constrained to power propellers. These context-dependent connections between parts are central to the proper modeling of aggregation. An earlier article of ours detailed the application of role types to aggregation [4].

In addition to the modeling benefits, distinguishing allowed from current types eases requirements gathering because it corresponds to the way people normally refer to relations, as in "Husbands in a marriage are men" or "A husband is a married man." It also resolves the ambiguity inherent in using cardinalities of minimum zero and maximum one, by raising the minimum to one between role types.

From a conceptual point of view, the purpose of subtyping roles from allowed types is to mediate clearly between what is possible and what is actual. Eliminating this distinction, for example, by defining the employment relation only between employees and employers is disadvantageous. We would not know which objects might eventually participate in the employment relation, even though they do not currently. These constraints would end up encoded in rules or in a procedural implementation language--making it much less apparent to the modelers.

Contrast With UML

The approach presented here contrasts with the UML, which currently requires that the operations, attributes, and associations of all possible roles be defined on the allowed type. For example, UML modelers would be expected to define on PERSON the features necessary for all possible roles that a person might assume in a lifetime. In addition, a UML role is only an interface that must be supported by the allowed type, rather than being a type under which instances can be reclassified [5]. By permitting an object to be reclassified in terms of multiple types, the modeler gains expressiveness and flexibility. In this way, an embryo can be transformed into a baby, or a car can be reclassified as a hunk of recycled metal. In both cases, an object has changed its state from one type to another--with no required common supertype. If the purpose of analysis is to model a user's perception of reality, we should not constrain a user's description by having roles that must be qualified in terms of a single type.

In regards to aggregation, role types provide a much more powerful model than UML, which currently defines no special semantics for general aggregation. The only description given in UML is that aggregation is an anti-symmetric and transitive relation [6]. This is too broad, because it would cover the GREATER-THAN relation between numbers, so that the number 1 would be a part of the number 2. Of course, the same applies to LESS-THAN, so the number 2 would also be a part of the number 1. Our model, by contrast, gives a specific semantics to aggregation for a specific purpose, namely to describe how the associations between parts may be different for each aggregate which uses the parts.

Role Design Using Mappings

Now that we have a more complete and precise model for the analysis of relation roles, we can pursue similar goals in their design. Most of this work was already done in the language- and technology-independent design model described previously [7]. There we showed how to use mappings, that is, functions without side-effects, to give a more complete model of the way a relation can be implemented. Here, we simply show how the analysis-time concepts of allowed types and role types translate to design-time concepts in mappings.

As a brief review of mappings, take the example of a marriage relation in which there are six mappings, as illustrated in Figure 4. These mappings are:

Figure 4. Six possible mappings for the Marriage relation.

At design time, one or more of the mappings above must be chosen to implement a relation, based on the specific use-cases of an application. For example, city hall may implement only mappings 5 and 6 for the marriage relation, because their most frequent query is to find the marriage certificate for a particular man or woman. By separating relations from mappings, the relational model is not changed when it is implemented, so it can be re-optimized for other applications. Most current methods cannot model mappings between relation participants and the tuple that relates them. In particular, UML only handles navigation directly between participants, mappings 1 and 2, a third of all available mappings.

Sometimes mappings are confused with roles, because, for example, the mapping from a husband to his wife might be called WIFE, and the role type for a woman in a marriage might also be called WIFE. The names are the same, but the concepts are very different, because types and mappings provide different services. The fact that the two terms are homonyms must be taken as accidental, of course, rather than a reflection of underlying semantics.

To translate allowed and role types to design, we need to show how they translate to similar concepts in mappings. Fortunately, relations and mappings start with the same semantic base, namely, that they model connections between objects. The difference is that mappings extend relations by adding the feature of computation, which breaks the symmetry of relations by giving a direction from input to output. In particular:

Figure 5. A mapping of the MARRIAGE relation with input/output types and images.

Figure 5 shows one mapping of the MARRIAGE relation--from man to wife, its input/output types and images, and some example objects that are instances of those types. All those objects that participate in a mapping instance with nonempty outputs are classified under an image type.

Table 1 shows the same information as Figure 5 for all the possible mappings in our marriage example. Since the relation MARRIAGE is a type with the current marriage tuples as instances, the mappings to and from it have coincident input/output and image types in some cases, as shown in mappings 3 through 6.


Input Type

Output Type

Input Image

Output Image

1. Given a man, return his wife, if any.





2. Given a woman, return her husband, if any.





3. Given a marriage, return its husband.





4. Given a marriage, return its wife.





5. Given a man, return his marriage, if any





6. Given a woman, return her marriage, if any.





Table 1: Mappings for MARRIAGE relation with input/output types and image types.


In this article we presented analysis and design models that clarify and formalize the notion of "role." When it is said that an object is playing a role, we understand it to mean that an object is participating in a particular relation in a particular way. We formalized roles as types which identify those objects related at the current time and which specify features supported by those objects while they participate in the relation. We also presented a design model for roles based on the concept of mappings, that is, functions without side effects, showing how mappings define implementable computations from the analysis of roles.


[1] Michael Freeman, "The Qua Link", in Proceedings of the 1981 KL-ONE Workshop, J.G. Schmolze and R.J. Brachman, eds, AI Technical Report No. 4, Schlumberger, Palo Alto., CA, 1982, pp 54-64.

[2] Martin, James, and James J. Odell, Object-Oriented Methods: Pragmatic Considerations, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1996, pp. 165-166.

[3] Martin, James, and James J. Odell, Object-Oriented Methods: A Foundation (UML edition), Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998, pp. 29-30.

[4] Bock, Conrad, and James Odell, "A Foundation for Composition," Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, 7:6, October, 1994, pp. 10-14.

[5] Rational Software, et al, UML Semantics, version 1.1, description of SPECIFICATION meta-association to the ASSOCIATION ENDs meta-type, Rational Software Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, September, 1997, p. 19.

[6] Ibid, p. 38.

[7] Bock, Conrad, and James Odell, "A More Complete Model of Relations and Their Implementation, Part II: Mappings," Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, 10:6, October, 1997, pp. 28-30.

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