Where used: Classification Model, Partition Model

Object Type Partition

Read First: Object Type
Read Next: Complete Partition, Incomplete Partition, Event Type Partition

An object type partition specifies some or all of the specializations of
an object type with two additional restrictions:

    1) The specialized types can have no objects or specializations in
       common.  This is called disjointness.

           For example, the Person object type may have a partition
           containing Man and Woman.  No specializations can be made
           from Man or Woman that have them both as generalizations.
           This applies recursively to specialized descendants also.  No
           objects can be instantiated from both Man and Woman or any of
           their specializations.

    2) Optionally, it may be required that any objects of the type being
       specialized be objects of the specializations.  

           For example, no object can be instantiated from Person that
           is not an object of either Man or Woman.  In some modelling
           languages, this makes Person a so-called abstract class.

       A partition that makes this requirement is called complete,
       otherwise it is called incomplete.

Read First: Object Type
Read Next: Complete Partition, Incomplete Partition, Event Type Partition


Attributes: None

Operations: None